
My employer is so full of shit

Kind of just a rant here. First, I work nights. I won't give hours, but it is a small company, so I am literally on shift by myself. I spend 30 hours a week in the office alone. I am not allowed to work from home. My job can easily be done from home. I am actually a touch more productive that way. Other employees who are on day shift are allowed to WFH, just not me. I have been on nights for over a year, and have proven to be trustworthy. Yet the owner of the company just won't budge. It get's worse though. We are bleeding team members. We have lost 5 team members, and have not replaced them. We have no plans to replace them. The owner doesn't want to. What he does want to do is sign more clients. The already stretched thin staff is even…

Kind of just a rant here. First, I work nights. I won't give hours, but it is a small company, so I am literally on shift by myself. I spend 30 hours a week in the office alone. I am not allowed to work from home. My job can easily be done from home. I am actually a touch more productive that way. Other employees who are on day shift are allowed to WFH, just not me. I have been on nights for over a year, and have proven to be trustworthy. Yet the owner of the company just won't budge.

It get's worse though. We are bleeding team members. We have lost 5 team members, and have not replaced them. We have no plans to replace them. The owner doesn't want to. What he does want to do is sign more clients. The already stretched thin staff is even more stretched thin. The responsibilites of the team members who have left are just being spread out amongst the rest of us. They are then acting fucking surprised that people are stressed and wanting to quit. There is a national ranking of companies like ours, last year we were in the top 30 out of like 500. This year we are south of 350. The boss is basically oblivious to the actual cause of this.

We only see the fucking owner once a month in any official capacity. The rest of the time he is just laser focused on sales and shit. Not hiring. He has specifically stated we are not hiring new people. Not that it would matter. We are all underpaid of course, so no one wants to worrk here in the first place. On guy hated it so much, he quit with like 4 days notice with no new job lined up. He just said “fuck this” and was out. He hated it so intensly he may be leaving the industry entirely.

We are also required to be on call basically 24/7. We are expected to jump in and help at all hours. If we do not, it literally affects our yearly raises. Those are only like 3% though, so not like it matters. It still gets worse, as I am pretty sure we are owed OT, but just don't get paid. See the HR department claims we are “exempt salaried” employees. Which is not actually true. We are paid hourly. We are required to clock in and out. We do not have days off, we have Paid Time Off, which we accumulate every pay period. Only 15 days a year btw. If we were to only work 36 hours in a week, it would obviously come out of our paycheck. Because we are hourly, not salaried.

HR is fucking useless. Rather than fighting to improve our work situation, she just does whatever she wants. Yet more useless insurance we get to pay for, that no one asked forr. Not as if the insurance company would help us anyway if we needed to make a claim. The fucking owner is basically just trying to make our lives as shitty as possible. It is as if everytime we complain about anything, the owner just says “hold my beer” and then makes it worse. His latest genius idea was to limit all WFH to 1 day per month. If you need to WFH more than once, you have to take PTO. Which just makes more work for everyone cause people with sick kids just have to take the day off.

A day off ins't really a day off, cause everything is just waiting for you when you get back. No one picks up your work for you. We are so busy, no one has time to help anyone else. Of course our service is suffering, and we are losing clients. But go forbid we hire more people, or pay more, or work on employee retention.

It's an LLC of course, so any money the boss saves just goes directly in his pocket. I will say the benefits do not suck. I don't pay for any health insurance or anything. The company does all that for me. So that is like an extra $350 a month on my salary. That may be standard though. And there is a $500 cap on it, so anyone with a family would be over that.

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