
Am I an asshole for completely “checking out” at my job and doing the bare minimum?

I’ll try to keep this brief. The owners of my current workplace at a small franchise fired the GM (and, just to be clear, they had no good reason to fire her, but I digress). They said they’d promote me, the assistant manager of the store, to the position. A month later, nothing has come of it. I’ve frequently been the only person in charge there, as the owners have been in and out. Usually, the owners are just there for a few hours in the morning till I get there, then they bolt. I’m still being paid like an assistant, of course, even though I’m often the only person in charge there running the store while I’m there. I’ve asked them a couple times what their plans are with me, and they keep giving me wishy-washy half-assed answers about “eventually.” Today, I find out that in August, they plan…

I’ll try to keep this brief.

The owners of my current workplace at a small franchise fired the GM (and, just to be clear, they had no good reason to fire her, but I digress). They said they’d promote me, the assistant manager of the store, to the position. A month later, nothing has come of it. I’ve frequently been the only person in charge there, as the owners have been in and out. Usually, the owners are just there for a few hours in the morning till I get there, then they bolt. I’m still being paid like an assistant, of course, even though I’m often the only person in charge there running the store while I’m there. I’ve asked them a couple times what their plans are with me, and they keep giving me wishy-washy half-assed answers about “eventually.”

Today, I find out that in August, they plan on promoting a couple other people in the store to management. They’ve already told them about this opportunity. I did not hear anything about this from the owners.

My assumption is that they’re planning on giving me the boot. I’m already applying places and had an interview today.

Am I an asshole for “phoning it in” at work at this point, now putting in minimal effort, and for being kinda pissed about this?

*Edit for clarity.

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