
Working full time/ Everyone asking me when I’m going to have kids

Working full time is bullshit. I literally just worked for 8 hours and sat in traffic for almost 2 hours my commute there and back. Growing up I was told “oh you need to go to school, get a good job, follow your dreams etc” well yeah I got my bachelors and can only get shit jobs in my area, so now I’m starting my masters in the Fall because you need it in this field. I will have to work full time during it & I’m already exhausted. Now I’m in my late 20s and people are asking me when I’m having a wedding and a baby?! With what time and money? I just want to live in a small cottage surrounded by flowers and animals and not have to work full time to live in this world. As I get older the more being a stay at home…

Working full time is bullshit. I literally just worked for 8 hours and sat in traffic for almost 2 hours my commute there and back. Growing up I was told “oh you need to go to school, get a good job, follow your dreams etc” well yeah I got my bachelors and can only get shit jobs in my area, so now I’m starting my masters in the Fall because you need it in this field. I will have to work full time during it & I’m already exhausted. Now I’m in my late 20s and people are asking me when I’m having a wedding and a baby?! With what time and money?

I just want to live in a small cottage surrounded by flowers and animals and not have to work full time to live in this world. As I get older the more being a stay at home mom seems like fulfilling and fun (also hard work obvs) but I’m expected to work full time AND be a mom? Yeah, because life is too expensive for one income, unless you marry rich.
I just needed to rant.

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