
Just so frustrated that any time I get ahead, something kicks me back 5 steps

So I work mainly for a major tax company. And when tax season is over, I am put on break for 13+ weeks. Fine. Normally it would be me working on my schooling or stories or finding a way to entertain myself while I collect unemployment. It pays well enough to keep the bills and groceries but it's always tight. Like I have to make payment arrangments on some bills and let some slip till I get back. BUt this year…..motherfucker. ​ So my state (Kentucky) passed a law cutting the unemployment back to 12 weeks as to the normal 26. See the problem? If they left the 26 alone, even if they upped the amount of jobs you needed to apply to the 5 now, I'd be fine. And I could use that time to be productive. Finish my master's degree, work towards sitting the CPA exam etc. But…

So I work mainly for a major tax company. And when tax season is over, I am put on break for 13+ weeks. Fine. Normally it would be me working on my schooling or stories or finding a way to entertain myself while I collect unemployment. It pays well enough to keep the bills and groceries but it's always tight. Like I have to make payment arrangments on some bills and let some slip till I get back. BUt this year…..motherfucker.

So my state (Kentucky) passed a law cutting the unemployment back to 12 weeks as to the normal 26. See the problem? If they left the 26 alone, even if they upped the amount of jobs you needed to apply to the 5 now, I'd be fine. And I could use that time to be productive. Finish my master's degree, work towards sitting the CPA exam etc. But Just that motherfucking 12 weeks. State reps from my region (east KY) argued that it shouldn't be cut that bad. These are Republicans saying that it is VERY hard for people in Applachia to find work if they are laid off because there's not a lot. If they wanted to cut it, make it like 20 weeks or so. But noooooooooo. “No one wants to work….” the rep who sponsored it is in a part of the state that does have more options that East Kentucky.

Not to mention my state's requirements to get a CPA license is 2500 hours a year and they don't include tax. Well they don't specifically say tax. I don't want to shell out nearly 1000 bucks for all 4 exams only to find that tax work doesn't count. And if I were to work at a local firm, well they pay around 15-18 an hour. So it's pretty much half my current tax specialist rate. So I will have to move in with my mom in Pennsylvania who have better work requirements to get the licence which I plan to do next summer as this is the last semester and I'll have my master's degree and then it'll be tax season which I tell people, “I am too busy for something that big.”

So I grab the first thing that is remote (As I don't drive due to epilepsy. It is too dangerous) and it happens to pay better than the local places. 17.31 call center. Not great but it averages to what I was making in unemployment. So I'll take it. And it's soul sucking. I'm in training right now and I am like “Okay I get it, I get it. I have call center experience.” and frankly I don't feel like being argued about on someone's billing or something like that or yelled at that I can't reset their password for them.

So a few days ago, I got my call back. August 4th. 33 dollars an hour. And I am over the moon. Until I see the UPS strike news. I mean I get why they are doing it and it's a bloody shame that Upper management is too stupid to see why they shouldn't give a better deal. Even if you don't support unions, the simple matter is that your workers are why you have a company. They're your brand, they get your service out there. You can't have that 3rd superyacht and 7th solid gold toilet seat without them. Fuck even if they're in it for themselves, a strike will harm you more than help. They're only hurting themselves via stock declines, brand reputation and loss of customers. Think how many businesses that use them would be “Welp, I am going to get hurt using them” and use other options like FedEx or USPS. And that's when I worry. “Oh shit, my company sends the equipment via UPS.”

I was overcoming a slump. Like “Oh well I won't have to worry about UE running out even though I really despise customer service in “unskilled” areas, the pay is good enough that I can keep the household going. I get the callback sooner than before. And then that. Like my fate is in the hands of a few fucking dumbasses that even if they don't care about their employees can't see they're giving customers to their compition. Not to mention they may lose staff too. Say what you will but people will quit when they can't pay the bills and I was reading the strike payments and yeah, I'm going to be honest, while they say “Save for a strike” how many people can? So many will be forced back in. And many can't take second jobs while the strike goes on or they'll just find something better period and never come back.

I told my husband this and he was like “Your company pays a good wage for your skills and values you highly if you got called back this soon. I doubt they'd be stupid enough to not get their employees the things they need. They'll likely just go to Fedex or another company if UPS strikes” Well back in 2020 when the tax deadline was extended to July they let a lot of their people go on the 13 week break and didn't call back around July, even a few extra because most people were going to do it the last minute. Let's be real. Anf the could have had the people keep the equpiment till next season. They did that when I was contracted for fall peak but not a lead yet. So yeah, I have my doubts.

Thus my slump. I was hoping that the threat of loss of business and stock values would motivate UPS and a strike averted. But nooooooooooo they'll slit their own throats to “pwn” the union. Like what the hell? Why would you do that? Makes no logical business sense. You want employees taken care of if for no other reason, a well employee does their job better. They do the job better, you get more business because people won't be pissed at you that the package was lost or damanged or anything like that.

Look I know it sounds selfish that I am worried about my equipment for my new job because of the UPS strike but I've worked too hard on my Enrolled Agent, perfecting my skills and being a team leader to get fucked by some billionare who can't think mid-long term to save their ass.

And before someone goes “Work for yourself. or “find anothe company” NO. I have come to terms with what I can and cannot do and with my medical conditions. And the companies hiring for tax specialists want ” CPA or EA” when they really just want the CPA. Believe me, I have been trying to find year round work since I saw the 12 week thing the first time back at the beginning of the year. I need options for health insurance unless you would like to pay 1600 a month for my medication, and I have a family to support. I cannot fail them. I hope management comes to their senses soon and gets the employees what they're asking for. For me yes, and for those working for them as I want my driver to be able to drop my packages off without breaking them, to show up when they're promised etc. And by cutting corners THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

Sorry just needed to rant to people that understand that CEOs don't think like proper businessmen. My husband's attempt at reassurance was well mannered but I don't think he notices that modern CEOs suck. Fuck Henry Ford understood if nothing else “Hey I should pay more. I'll get hard workers who will do what I want and they can buy my shit. And more people buy my shit, the more money I make.” and he was a god awful industrialist in the early 1900s. Like come on, how does this not get through to them if a robber baron had that bit of broken clockspotting?

So yeah I'm flustered, depressed and infuritated that a CEO's nearshightedness (at best) is going to leave me stuck when I am so close to a good job.

TLDR UPS Management greed fucks those outside the company too trying to do better as well as their employees and my state really is against things that can actually help the economy because the boomers are upset that people took their advice and got better jobs and still blame COVID relief. And it's fucking me over.

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