
Duties outside of my role but I “wasn’t given a job description so it’s alright”

I (22f) work as a cook for a small business in a small tourist town. I applied as a barista but the only job available was for cook so I accepted it because I really needed a job. I have been there almost a year now and my boss has me do every task under the sun and then gets upset because I am unable to complete tasks in the kitchen on time. I told her that I need to focus on kitchen duties first rather than side jobs and she told me “I knew this day would come where you get upset about working here I've had a few people upset because they're doing stuff outside their job description but there's a reason I've never given a job description. You weren't given a job description or title so there should be no expectations. I need you to do these…

I (22f) work as a cook for a small business in a small tourist town. I applied as a barista but the only job available was for cook so I accepted it because I really needed a job. I have been there almost a year now and my boss has me do every task under the sun and then gets upset because I am unable to complete tasks in the kitchen on time. I told her that I need to focus on kitchen duties first rather than side jobs and she told me “I knew this day would come where you get upset about working here I've had a few people upset because they're doing stuff outside their job description but there's a reason I've never given a job description. You weren't given a job description or title so there should be no expectations. I need you to do these tasks as well.” We're currently extremely short staffed so I understand if she needs the extra help but she has me cooking, cleaning, training, doing barista duties, serving, and cleaning another business building she owns. I get no extra pay or overtime or anything for all the extra work I do and all the extra time I spend there. I really want to quit but I have no other option and I've heard that she mentioned firing me if I go to the labor board or sue her for it. I don't know how to make this job manageable without making it worse on everyone but this job is really taking it's toll on me. I've even had to go back to therapy because I wanted to crash my car through the front of the building rather than work.

What do I do? Any advice is helpful.

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