

I have had several jobs in a row that ended mostly due to bad circumstances and only one of them was officially on bad terms. Many of my old employers i worked for were pretty terrible. One of them in a fast food chain would use new employees’ work id to buy himself food using our income (i just got the money back from it, this was 2 years ago). One never actually paid me for months and then it turns out the lease was ending for our business space and didnt inform us until the last minute. One hated communicating with me because i worked weekends and they didnt so i never was able to communicate with management when needed and they also held it against me when i got sick or injured (made me pay for my own drug test that they required me to take to continue…

I have had several jobs in a row that ended mostly due to bad circumstances and only one of them was officially on bad terms. Many of my old employers i worked for were pretty terrible. One of them in a fast food chain would use new employees’ work id to buy himself food using our income (i just got the money back from it, this was 2 years ago). One never actually paid me for months and then it turns out the lease was ending for our business space and didnt inform us until the last minute. One hated communicating with me because i worked weekends and they didnt so i never was able to communicate with management when needed and they also held it against me when i got sick or injured (made me pay for my own drug test that they required me to take to continue working after an injury). My last job let me go because they lost the funding to employ me 3 months in. All of my work experience has been summer up and turned into a really annoying paranoia about losing my current job. I got injured and sick already within the 1st month and i hate this feeling of fear and worry accompanying it. Anyone have any tips on how to deal with this? And feel free to ama.

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