
This is more of a vent than anything else lmao

What in the WORLD is up with managers who think they don’t need to like check with you before just putting a meeting on your calendar? My job is in a hospital, where I’m supposed to mostly be going out and talking one on one with patients in their rooms. I left the office at 10:30 to attend rounds and speak with patients. I returned at 12:30 with the intention of eating lunch and then doing some desk work. My boss comes in and says that she wants to talk about some paperwork I filled out. I said sure, I’m eating lunch but when lunch is over, I’ll come to your office. She said “it’s on your calendar.” It definitely was not on my calendar when I left at 10:30. But I log in and sure enough, at 1pm there’s a calendar invite for a meeting. It was sheer dumb…

What in the WORLD is up with managers who think they don’t need to like check with you before just putting a meeting on your calendar? My job is in a hospital, where I’m supposed to mostly be going out and talking one on one with patients in their rooms.

I left the office at 10:30 to attend rounds and speak with patients. I returned at 12:30 with the intention of eating lunch and then doing some desk work. My boss comes in and says that she wants to talk about some paperwork I filled out. I said sure, I’m eating lunch but when lunch is over, I’ll come to your office. She said “it’s on your calendar.”

It definitely was not on my calendar when I left at 10:30. But I log in and sure enough, at 1pm there’s a calendar invite for a meeting. It was sheer dumb luck that I was taking lunch from 12:30 to 1, because sometimes I don’t get to eat until like 2 or 3 pm if i’m stuck in a patient’s room. So I was supposed to just know somehow you put a meeting on my calendar with 2 hours notice and NO COMMUNICATION?? I don’t understand why people above you on a corporate ladder think somehow your time is less important than theirs

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