
I finally slayed the dragon

I’ve worked at the job I’m currently at (grocery) since last year in March. Since the very first day I’ve had this awful co worker (let’s call her D). She is the most rude, racist, disrespectful, and entitled person I’ve ever known. She’s had so many complaints against her it’s not even funny. I got her fired yesterday and it was like there was a weight lifted off the whole store. Last Thursday 6/29 I was getting ready to count out my till and give my manager D my pickup of big bills. She walks up to me and says (Have you had to buy new clothes? Because since you started working here you’ve gained a lotttt of weight”, she laughed after she said this. I got so upset with her I was telling her that’s not right to say to anyone and how disrespectful and disgusting it was for…

I’ve worked at the job I’m currently at (grocery) since last year in March. Since the very first day I’ve had this awful co worker (let’s call her D). She is the most rude, racist, disrespectful, and entitled person I’ve ever known. She’s had so many complaints against her it’s not even funny.

    I got her fired yesterday and it was like there was a weight lifted off the whole store. Last Thursday 6/29 I was getting ready to count out my till and give my manager D my pickup of big bills. She walks up to me and says (Have you had to buy new clothes? Because since you started working here you’ve gained a lotttt of weight”, she laughed after she said this. I got so upset with her I was telling her that’s not right to say to anyone and how disrespectful and disgusting it was for her to say that. She then said “I can say whatever I want! And it’s true you’ve gained so much weight!”.

    I reported her to my boss and HR the next day. My boss suspended her as soon as she walked in the next day and yesterday he informed me that him and his bosses decided to finally let her go. I was so happy and relieved and I’ve been getting high fives left and right. That just goes to show how much everyone despised her and how relieved everyone was that she’s gone. 

    She was a manager too so I think that’s why they didn’t fire her and she had been there for 7 years so that also probably factored in. I’m just so happy to be working in a much, much better work environment than when she was here.

Edit: formatting

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