
I ragequit my job today

I've been working as an overnight janitor at a hotel for the last six months and it's been a drain, physically and mentally. It would have been more bearable if my boss was not a passive agressive asshat who only communicated with me when they had something to complain about. She never made her demands clear and would prefer passing down orders indirectly, via people who were very bad at communicating it. After tonight, I'm done. I am not capable of forcing myself to carry one more trashbag or cpean an inch of the floor for a bunch of assholes who don't appreciate me. I left my boss a short and sweet text: “I quit, good luck”

I've been working as an overnight janitor at a hotel for the last six months and it's been a drain, physically and mentally.
It would have been more bearable if my boss was not a passive agressive asshat who only communicated with me when they had something to complain about.
She never made her demands clear and would prefer passing down orders indirectly, via people who were very bad at communicating it.
After tonight, I'm done.
I am not capable of forcing myself to carry one more trashbag or cpean an inch of the floor for a bunch of assholes who don't appreciate me.

I left my boss a short and sweet text: “I quit, good luck”

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