
Shitty Bosses

So, ever since the first day I walked in and met the guy, he's been condescending, belittling, talks down to me, makes me the butt of these little quips or jokes (that feel fairly mean-spirited), so from the beginning, this guy has made me feel like shit and seemed to be doing it on purpose. I work security, and we've recently gone from unarmed to armed (under some sketchy circumstances and procedures), and the day I passed my firing qualification, I asked for clarification (so I don't show up to work with a GUN when I shouldn't have it, or that I don't have it when I should) on when we start carrying, he loses his shit, accuses me of not reading the emails or message board at work (I make a point to do both, my memory is just imperfect) and threatened my job, all because I asked one…

So, ever since the first day I walked in and met the guy, he's been condescending, belittling, talks down to me, makes me the butt of these little quips or jokes (that feel fairly mean-spirited), so from the beginning, this guy has made me feel like shit and seemed to be doing it on purpose. I work security, and we've recently gone from unarmed to armed (under some sketchy circumstances and procedures), and the day I passed my firing qualification, I asked for clarification (so I don't show up to work with a GUN when I shouldn't have it, or that I don't have it when I should) on when we start carrying, he loses his shit, accuses me of not reading the emails or message board at work (I make a point to do both, my memory is just imperfect) and threatened my job, all because I asked one question a few days ago and one question that day. How do you deal with power and ego tripping psychos like this? He feels completely unpredictable now, if he'll fire me for this, what other nothing bullshit excuse could he come up with? This is the only job I've ever found that doesn't genuinely risk putting me in the hospital for mental health reason, and I am genuinely terrified that this self-righteous prick is going to have something crawl up his ass one day and decide to ruin my life for the fun of it. How can I handle this?

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