
It’s 106 outside and even hotter in the warehouse

I live in Dallas county Texas and work at a warehouse full time. I’m a 19m and have been working hear since I was 17. Every summer it reaches heats of over 100* (37.8 Celsius) outside and the warehouse is consistently hotter inside than out. Several of our fans are broken, including the large one on the roof. We are allowed as much water as we want but have no electrolyte drinks most of the time. It got up to 106 (41.1 Celsius) several times last week and will again this week. Ontop of this, it’s extremely humid. There are no laws or regulations to protect us from this heat.

I live in Dallas county Texas and work at a warehouse full time. I’m a 19m and have been working hear since I was 17. Every summer it reaches heats of over 100* (37.8 Celsius) outside and the warehouse is consistently hotter inside than out. Several of our fans are broken, including the large one on the roof. We are allowed as much water as we want but have no electrolyte drinks most of the time. It got up to 106 (41.1 Celsius) several times last week and will again this week. Ontop of this, it’s extremely humid. There are no laws or regulations to protect us from this heat.

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