
Punished for efficiency so I upgraded

My hours got cut at my job because I was too efficient & would always finish early & ask what else I can do so I stopped doing extra stuff or covering for other people/positions. Got in trouble for that so I went & found an easier job on an air force base doing custodial work instead of inventory management & it pays $22.84/hr ($6.84 more) & guarantees me hours as long as I'm willing to work.

My hours got cut at my job because I was too efficient & would always finish early & ask what else I can do so I stopped doing extra stuff or covering for other people/positions. Got in trouble for that so I went & found an easier job on an air force base doing custodial work instead of inventory management & it pays $22.84/hr ($6.84 more) & guarantees me hours as long as I'm willing to work.

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