
Finally taken for my value at work. Feels good

So I've worked blue collar jobs since I was 16. At 24 now I finally decided that 15/hr wasn't really cutting it in Oregon with rent higher than your weird cousin. So my first thought was to ask for that God forbidden raise. After working a for 2 years at this factory and for the last year working the jobs of 4 people by myself all they could offer me was a 50¢ raise. To say I was a bit livid would be an understatement. So I quit and started searching, a month goes by and one of my family friends recommends me his work. Warehouse position, nothing out of my skillet. Send in my resume, get the interview, get the job. The guy conducting my interview kept complimenting me on how I'm certified in so much. I've never had that happen before. I've now been working there for a…

So I've worked blue collar jobs since I was 16. At 24 now I finally decided that 15/hr wasn't really cutting it in Oregon with rent higher than your weird cousin. So my first thought was to ask for that God forbidden raise. After working a for 2 years at this factory and for the last year working the jobs of 4 people by myself all they could offer me was a 50¢ raise. To say I was a bit livid would be an understatement. So I quit and started searching, a month goes by and one of my family friends recommends me his work. Warehouse position, nothing out of my skillet. Send in my resume, get the interview, get the job. The guy conducting my interview kept complimenting me on how I'm certified in so much. I've never had that happen before. I've now been working there for a few months, making almost double what I used to and my boss just approved me for a $2 raise. Litteraly the first time I've ever gotten one. I finally get what yall are saying about know your value. Because fuck I didn't know mine. Thanks ya'll

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