
Groomed and take advantage of by old employer

Sorry for any improper formatting, I am on mobile. I will try to edit if I notice anything weird after posting. Anon account, because my other account is too identifiable I want to put my story out there, for anyone who might find themselves in the position I was in a few years ago. Rewind to 2016, I am an 18 year old (female) about a year into working part time at a gas station. I lived and worked 1.5hrs away from any large city, in a town with a population of maybe 100 people. One of my regulars comes in, offers me a full time job with his small company, with a bit better pay. I give my 2 weeks notice to my employer at the time. Job starts out great, very easy job, a bit over minimum wage. I was happy, having minimal work experience and no high…

Sorry for any improper formatting, I am on mobile. I will try to edit if I notice anything weird after posting.
Anon account, because my other account is too identifiable

I want to put my story out there, for anyone who might find themselves in the position I was in a few years ago.

Rewind to 2016, I am an 18 year old (female) about a year into working part time at a gas station. I lived and worked 1.5hrs away from any large city, in a town with a population of maybe 100 people.
One of my regulars comes in, offers me a full time job with his small company, with a bit better pay. I give my 2 weeks notice to my employer at the time.

Job starts out great, very easy job, a bit over minimum wage. I was happy, having minimal work experience and no high school diploma.

A few weeks in and I notice my boss (man, in his 50’s) has taken a liking to me. I am naive, I see nothing other than.. a boss who likes my work ethic maybe? I show up early every day, don’t call in sick.. he comments a lot about how happy he is to “not have someone calling in every second day”.

I continue working. 12 hour night shifts, 5-7 days a week. He convinced all of his employees that they are “self employed”, and filed us this way, so we didn’t have taxes taken off of our checks, we were not paid overtime or vacation pay.

About 2 months later, he asks if I’m willing to take on more work for more pay. He got me to do book work, payroll, organizing receipts, prepping for tax season, attending business negotiations with him, most of this extra work could be done while I was already at work, so I accept the extra couple hundred dollars a month to do these things.

I did not know at the time that these “extra tasks” needed to be discussed over regular dinners at restaurants.. I started receiving expensive gifts on top of my extra pay. (Jewelry, gift cards, a vehicle).

Fast forward a few more months, I’m uncomfortable with his need to “spend time” with me to discuss things like payroll… what is there to discuss??? “Come over for a drink and we will talk about it”.. but, the money I was making was good, so I suffered through a lot of awkward dinners with this old man to get a cheque at the end of it.

Then, about a year into my employment, he says to me “I have nobody to pass my business down to, so when I’m done here, it’s all yours”. I am about 19-20 at this time, with the promise of a business that just signed a 6 year, $350,000 per year contract. So, I stuck around, for 4 more years.

For 5 years total, I worked, I did all the “manager” things. I helped him out when employee’s came after him through the labour board. I helped “juggle the books” so he didn’t have to pay as much.

I cashed cheques in my personal bank account when the tax man caught up with him, and froze his personal and business accounts for a period of time. I funnelled money through my account on multiple occasions, cashed the cheque, gave him the cash, and got to keep a little for myself.

For 5 years, throughout my late teens and early 20’s I worked 5-7 days per week, night shifts, every single weekend. I had no friends, no social life. I had a hard time finding a partner that was willing to find time for us around my work schedule (and, me having to go for dinner with my boss). I did nothing but work. No “nights out” at the bar with friends, no holidays, no camping trips, no nothing.

Finally, in my last year there, after hearing from my parents many times to “not work so much, you’re young, get out and enjoy your life”, I became frustrated with my workplace.
I realized that myself, and all my coworkers were being ripped off by not being paid overtime.

I realized that my boss was a dick, getting mad (and denying) if anyone wanted a Saturday night off. Guilt tripping us, swearing and belittling. He told me “you’re going to regret not working when you are young and able to, don’t you want money now?” “You aren’t going to find a job better than this”

In 2021, I finally quit.
When I quit, he acted like we “broke up”. He threatened to take gifts back from me, told me he “wasted so much money on me”, told me to not use him as a reference. I was devastated, wondering if I had made the right decision… and now I know I did.

During my period of “self employment” I listened to this man tell me to “not worry about taxes right now, I’ll have my accountant do them for you next year and I will cover them for you”.
This is my own fault for not knowing any better. But if you are curious, if you are making $50,000/year, you should set aside about $9,000 per year for taxes. I didn’t do this, don’t be like me and not do your taxes and get stuck with a $30,000 tax bill

Fast forward to now, 2023, I am 25 years old, I’ve bounced around and tried a few different fields of work. I am happy where I am now! I work Monday- Friday, and every 3rd weekend. I have friends, I have a life! And I take a little extra off of each pay-check to keep chipping away at my taxes.

Don’t let ANYONE take advantage of you. Don’t listen to promises from employers. Educate yourself on your rights as an employee, and stand up for yourself!!!! And if your employer doesn’t want to abide by the laws, take them to the labour board and get the money you are owed!!!
Don’t sacrifice your younger years, or any of your precious years at a workplace that will have you replaced in 2 days

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