
Put in my 2 weeks notice with an abusive job and my coworkers reactions were telling

Am immigrant, got a job earlier in the year as an act of desperation, it was the local subreddits recommendation for “a decent foot in the door kinda job”. Hated it after day 1. Looked for work for FOUR MONTHS. Finally got a better position, it was BRUTAL out there for $18-20 customer service/data entry y’all. I was taking sick days to drive to interviews that would cancel on the way, spent my lunches on ZipRecruiter, getting up at 6am for zoom interviews that never went anywhere etc etc, just a drag. When I gave my notice, the reactions I got were more intense than any other job I’ve had, probably cuz it’s a trap of a job! I got: -joking threats from mgmt -shock and some tears from nice desk mate “how could you leave me here” -sad joy from the other nice person -are you joking from the…

Am immigrant, got a job earlier in the year as an act of desperation, it was the local subreddits recommendation for “a decent foot in the door kinda job”. Hated it after day 1. Looked for work for FOUR MONTHS. Finally got a better position, it was BRUTAL out there for $18-20 customer service/data entry y’all. I was taking sick days to drive to interviews that would cancel on the way, spent my lunches on ZipRecruiter, getting up at 6am for zoom interviews that never went anywhere etc etc, just a drag.

When I gave my notice, the reactions I got were more intense than any other job I’ve had, probably cuz it’s a trap of a job! I got:

-joking threats from mgmt

-shock and some tears from nice desk mate “how could you leave me here”

-sad joy from the other nice person

-are you joking from the quiet worker

-stoicism from the cliquey ones

-a brutal tell all of everything that’s awful about this place from the guy who’s transferring to a smaller dept

-the nice older guy with autism won’t talk to me anymore I think he’s choked

-congrats from one nice person

Today before I accepted the position and gave notice, the top clique member/unofficial team lead came up to me and said tomorrow I’m going to test you on everything you learned for the lvl 2 position you started last week. Probably because I have barely asked for help and am doing quite well at it? Idk why they would test me but w/e. They started me on lvl 2 duties right after the -once a year- June performance evaluations, which I wasn’t eligible for because I wasn’t trained yet for level 2..I wasn’t allowed to train they said they needed me to focus on level 1 tasks..fuck you guys for that, hard!! They promoted that nice girl who started a week before me because she is a big people pleaser and half in the clique (yet they exclude her when convenient, like for after work functions and coffee is they already have too many to carry & she is ok with this bc she is sweet and young coming from a sketchier job and probably just naive). They also screwed the newly trained lvl 3 quiet worker who is being paid for level 2 still!! He has to wait till next June!! He is not in the clique. Rude!

Also the creepy older janitor won’t ask me to “divorce my husband and live with him so I don’t have to work” or call me “the most beautiful lady” unprompted ever again!!

Also, parking isn’t a block away and up 5 empty parking garage floors (company only rented the top level because it’s cheaper). Small victories are great, it took me 10 minutes in baking sun to get to my car!

Everyone is having their own personal crisis in response to my news. I’ve only worked here for 4 months but it was awful, old ass creepers, sad little cliques, and behind your back bullies galore! I’m on to greener pastures down the road at another company, I’m so excited even if the pay is still shit lol! Thanks for listening & keep your heads up little anti workers, your time of sweet sweet justice will come!!

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