
My boss screamed at my coworker for no reason, so I quit the next day.

Last week my boss screamed at one of my coworkers for no reason at all. He does this from time to time, but also shoves meetings into your face 5mins before your shift is over and does other shit that is simply unacceptable. I am the only employee doing Cloud Computing in my company, and I decided to quit the following day. 3 days later and I already found something way better. My boss is fuming so hard rn because we have so many cloud projects in the making and it is a big % of our business. While talking to him he ofcourse shifted the blame towards me and said something along the lines of “how can you be so egoistic?”, saying he never did anything wrong. Now he wants to give the Cloud part to another employee that hasnt done anything cloudrelated in his lifetime. My condolences to…

Last week my boss screamed at one of my coworkers for no reason at all. He does this from time to time, but also shoves meetings into your face 5mins before your shift is over and does other shit that is simply unacceptable. I am the only employee doing Cloud Computing in my company, and I decided to quit the following day. 3 days later and I already found something way better.

My boss is fuming so hard rn because we have so many cloud projects in the making and it is a big % of our business. While talking to him he ofcourse shifted the blame towards me and said something along the lines of “how can you be so egoistic?”, saying he never did anything wrong. Now he wants to give the Cloud part to another employee that hasnt done anything cloudrelated in his lifetime. My condolences to that guy and Good luck…

I feel so reliefed now. Don't accept this bullshit.

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