
After 3 weeks off after being made redundant. I have 2 job offers. It’s depressing me to fuck.

“these are your hours, how are you about overtime?”. “Well, personally I don't need the extra money and prefer the time..”. “Well, we ask that yo do at least a Saturday every other week and 4 hours in the week”. Oh.. appears to be the thing for my type of work now. I had a great job. 8 while 4 until I got made redundant. Now my only job opportunities are fucking life sucking to me. 6 day weeks and then a 5 day week. Early starts, no exceptions. This. Is why I hate working. I've been so happy while I've been off. Except when job hunting. Acting like you want a job when really a fucking don't. I suffer depression. I hate living like a slave. I broke my self and worked damn hard for my last employer. And then bang, I'm redundant and now need an even shitter…

“these are your hours, how are you about overtime?”. “Well, personally I don't need the extra money and prefer the time..”. “Well, we ask that yo do at least a Saturday every other week and 4 hours in the week”.

Oh.. appears to be the thing for my type of work now. I had a great job. 8 while 4 until I got made redundant. Now my only job opportunities are fucking life sucking to me. 6 day weeks and then a 5 day week. Early starts, no exceptions.

This. Is why I hate working. I've been so happy while I've been off. Except when job hunting. Acting like you want a job when really a fucking don't. I suffer depression. I hate living like a slave. I broke my self and worked damn hard for my last employer. And then bang, I'm redundant and now need an even shitter job. And to do all the fake shit and meet new people..

I just want to live. Be alone. I don't even mind work but it's all the hoops and the all or nothing bullshit.

I ain't smart. I did some time. It limits my options to basically steel fabrication, manual labour jobs. Hard graft. And these jobs seem to have the most hours. I have friends with cushy jobs that have 4 day weeks and duvet days and shit yet every job I get is just like, sign your life away.

I just fucking hate it.

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