
I got fired today. Now I can finally say all of the deplorable stuff that has been happening in the workplace.

Today, I (M18), just fired due to our little adorable creatin of a man that was our regional manager. I had a POS regional manager. I think legally I need to keep his name secret. But I'll call him Kevin for now. (TW: Transphobia and Implied Antisemitism. DISCLAIMER!!! I am new to Reddit and am trying to get this story out everywhere. IDK what the hell I'm doing lol.) Kevin (My ex-bosses boss) was talking about the holocaust (an event where I have lost family) during work hours. He was fully aware that I am Jewish in blood, and even if not, it is inappropriate work conversation. Even if he was off the clock, the employee he was talking with people who were not (leaving me to man everything). I was restocking sodas, trying to ignore for a while. And I mumble “Jesus..” under my breath. He appeared to had…

Today, I (M18), just fired due to our little adorable creatin of a man that was our regional manager. I had a POS regional manager. I think legally I need to keep his name secret. But I'll call him Kevin for now. (TW: Transphobia and Implied Antisemitism. DISCLAIMER!!! I am new to Reddit and am trying to get this story out everywhere. IDK what the hell I'm doing lol.)

Kevin (My ex-bosses boss) was talking about the holocaust (an event where I have lost family) during work hours. He was fully aware that I am Jewish in blood, and even if not, it is inappropriate work conversation. Even if he was off the clock, the employee he was talking with people who were not (leaving me to man everything). I was restocking sodas, trying to ignore for a while. And I mumble “Jesus..” under my breath. He appeared to had noticed and said: “Aren't *Jews* supposed to not say that?”

Jew IMO is a nasty word for people practicing Jewish beliefs. THIS is the modern definition of Jew:

(jew someone down)
bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way.

Ignoring the ACTUAL OFFENSIVE TERM, I said: “I don't practice, I have relatives that are Jewish. It's a birthright. I'm agnostic in faith” I continued on with my work. He then continued the conversation, calling me: “A salty woman”. I am a trans man. I have stated many times I am a masc identifying person. I corrected him: “HE!” and he reinstated: “Yes, a very salty GIRL”. I was offended at the remark and stopped being so peppy in my work. In response to this, he then REPORTED me to my now ex-boss. Let's call her……. Paula.

Paula said: “You need to go home; Kevin told me you were being a bit negative” I tried to explain the situation and she just kept saying: “I don't think he knew that” I then said that he misgendered me. Paula responded by firing me. I tossed my hat and my apron down and silently walked out, my pride shattered and my stomach twisted in knots. I was trying not to cry. I then started to sob as soon as I walked out.

Now, what you've all been waiting for, all of the fucking revolting shit I had to put up with in the week and a half I had been there:

Tbh, I'm glad I don't work there. I never got a single day off while I was there, I had to get a doctor's note to EAT due to my medication conflicting with it even when off the clock. Kevin also told me I was being dramatic due to my blood sugar being low due to my MEDICATION. I almost got fired because I had a mental breakdown, I was scheduled for every single day, it wasn't the first day I got misgendered. Paula didn't believe in mental health. Like…….The idea of mental health. She also didn't believe in gender dysphoria. When my father called, she said I was not allowed to pick up most of the time. And when I cried, she said to “Suck it up. You have to leave your emotions at the door”. Ben liked to say that I was bitter and sad over something “stupid” every time I said anything about my life that was annoying. One time. I was talking about my grandmother being homophobic and refusing to talk to me. He said I was “Being dramatic and bitter over something silly” and that it “wasn't as bad as her dying” like his.

What lovely people.

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