
Why do they think I care enough to be at the entire company meetings?

I work at a mid-sized tech company not in the US. Every two weeks there is an all-company meeting which starts an hour earlier then my normal hours (which are flexible and I chose what's more comfortable for me). And they tell everything the departments accomplished in two weeks, how many more users and money (in percentage) the company has and what are the plans. But I don't give a d! It's all white noise to me. All I care about is them paying me on time. I do my job properly and that's it. I don't have a share in this company and have to fight with them for a raise. They even cut all the budgets like education, transportation etc. Lucky us they still have the health insurance. Am I a bad worker or something? Do I need to care about their statistics?

I work at a mid-sized tech company not in the US. Every two weeks there is an all-company meeting which starts an hour earlier then my normal hours (which are flexible and I chose what's more comfortable for me). And they tell everything the departments accomplished in two weeks, how many more users and money (in percentage) the company has and what are the plans.

But I don't give a d! It's all white noise to me. All I care about is them paying me on time. I do my job properly and that's it. I don't have a share in this company and have to fight with them for a raise. They even cut all the budgets like education, transportation etc. Lucky us they still have the health insurance.

Am I a bad worker or something? Do I need to care about their statistics?

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