
Got laid off after 3 years nothing but a blessing.

So I was at a sales manager position for this big big company that works on retail. Well in retail isn't doing that good (After like 4 years of non-stop record breaking annual revenue) 2023 hasn't been that good (as what inverstors thought it'd be. So one branch (where I was working) was schedules to close but with the promise of everyone in it being transferred to other stores. This has happened sometime before and the company has kept it's promise of relocating everyone. When there were like two months lefts to the closing date I started asking questions of 'where' l. All I got was “when there is one month left you'll know”, “When there are two weeks left…”, “The same week of closure ” and so on but everytime they kept promising there was nothing to worry about. During this period of time my team's morale and mental…

So I was at a sales manager position for this big big company that works on retail.
Well in retail isn't doing that good (After like 4 years of non-stop record breaking annual revenue) 2023 hasn't been that good (as what inverstors thought it'd be.
So one branch (where I was working) was schedules to close but with the promise of everyone in it being transferred to other stores. This has happened sometime before and the company has kept it's promise of relocating everyone.

When there were like two months lefts to the closing date I started asking questions of 'where' l. All I got was “when there is one month left you'll know”, “When there are two weeks left…”, “The same week of closure ” and so on but everytime they kept promising there was nothing to worry about.

During this period of time my team's morale and mental health was diminishing quickly, I was tanking all of their frustration and mine (to get things moving on despite the uncertainty).
Because of this my own mental health was also declining fast and steady.

So we get to the due date store closes to the public, we go another whole week to cleanup, inventory, audits, etc.
After the last day of cleanup when I gave the store keys to my direct boss they gave to me a letter of dismissal.
I suspected this maneuver so it didn't came a surprise. All I could only think of is that I was really thankful to be laid off because I was gonna quit.
Since they let me go without a month notice, plus the 3 years and some vacation days I have like 5 months of payment.

For me this is a new start I'm gonna take a couple weeks as rest and then I'm gonna use all my energy into going to a job where I'm more valued.

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