
is it this draining to work full time?

Uni student here- i work part time all thru the school year, and summers I work full time at a theme park. Took about 2 months off (couldn't find another job) before returning to said theme park. Im so tired. I hate my job so much and dread going in everyday. There's nothing wrong with my work environment (i serve food/drink/beer all day) and people are mainly pleasant, but when I go home and have to do anything but sleep i literally cant. I used to have not a lot, but a little bit of energy to pursue my passions and hang out with my SO- now I have none. Help? (P.s. yes i am medicated for anxiety and depression. Also malnutrition might be a part? No idea) (P.p.s. i make 17.50/hr and work 40/45 hrs a week)

Uni student here- i work part time all thru the school year, and summers I work full time at a theme park. Took about 2 months off (couldn't find another job) before returning to said theme park. Im so tired. I hate my job so much and dread going in everyday. There's nothing wrong with my work environment (i serve food/drink/beer all day) and people are mainly pleasant, but when I go home and have to do anything but sleep i literally cant. I used to have not a lot, but a little bit of energy to pursue my passions and hang out with my SO- now I have none. Help?
(P.s. yes i am medicated for anxiety and depression. Also malnutrition might be a part? No idea)
(P.p.s. i make 17.50/hr and work 40/45 hrs a week)

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