
Salary increase zero sum game

Ok, maybe not zero sum, but definitely feels like two steps forward and one step backward. I recently got a salary increase which is better than nothing, even if inflation reduces it quite a bit. Then I realized, out of the extra $200 per paycheck I’m receiving, I’m paying for a therapist and meds to deal with anxiety, depression, and ADHD. My job exacerbates these issues – not the direct cause of them, but I take the medication so that I can do my job. Anyone else feel like the farther they get into their career, the more expenses they have to deal with the mental and physical health problems caused by their job… which feels like a promotion or salary increase just isn’t doing anything to move them forward? TLDR; work job -> get money -> pay money for health problems caused by job -> repeat

Ok, maybe not zero sum, but definitely feels like two steps forward and one step backward. I recently got a salary increase which is better than nothing, even if inflation reduces it quite a bit. Then I realized, out of the extra $200 per paycheck I’m receiving, I’m paying for a therapist and meds to deal with anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
My job exacerbates these issues – not the direct cause of them, but I take the medication so that I can do my job.

Anyone else feel like the farther they get into their career, the more expenses they have to deal with the mental and physical health problems caused by their job… which feels like a promotion or salary increase just isn’t doing anything to move them forward?

TLDR; work job -> get money -> pay money for health problems caused by job -> repeat

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