
New hires making almost 50% more than me for half the qualifications, deny raise

I'm just super mad right now and need a space to vent. This happened yesterday. I found out about a month ago that the job posting for an open position in our department was paying nearly 50% more than what I currently make. I haven't gotten a single raise in 4 years, not even a cost of living raise (they blamed covid and stopped doing raises for a bit). I'm looking at this job posting, and the requirements they're asking for are barely qualifying for the job we do. I spent the last couple weeks planning a pitch to upper management that those already in the department should be paid at least as much as a new hire. I have the experience, the knowledge, the certifications, etc. that they aren't even asking from this new hire, and I haven't had a raise in years. I deserve this. I've earned this.…

I'm just super mad right now and need a space to vent. This happened yesterday. I found out about a month ago that the job posting for an open position in our department was paying nearly 50% more than what I currently make. I haven't gotten a single raise in 4 years, not even a cost of living raise (they blamed covid and stopped doing raises for a bit). I'm looking at this job posting, and the requirements they're asking for are barely qualifying for the job we do.

I spent the last couple weeks planning a pitch to upper management that those already in the department should be paid at least as much as a new hire. I have the experience, the knowledge, the certifications, etc. that they aren't even asking from this new hire, and I haven't had a raise in years. I deserve this. I've earned this.

And I was turned down flat. On top of that, I was told I needed to work on “bringing value” to the company, and then was listed a series of things I need to work on. In my entire time working at this company, I've never gotten a bad performance review. All of these “issues” were completely out of the blue.

I work my ass off. I pull overtime. I've developed health issues due to the stress of my job. They expect me to train the new hire, on top of that. But yeah, I'm not bringing value to the company. If I wasn't so entirely enraged, I'd laugh.

So, from here until I find a new job, they get 10% of my effort. They get the bare minimum of what my job requires. They get no overtime, they get no free training for someone making significantly more than me. If they're going to treat me and pay me like I half-ass work, then I'll show them how much “value” they are losing when I am actually half-assing my work. And when I find a new job, which I am aggressively searching for at the moment, whether they get the privilege of a notice at all will entirely depend on how respectful they act between now and then.

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