
FUCK These Greedy Assholes!

I haven't had Pizza Hut in years so I decided to treat myself tonight. The prices are at least 40% higher than they were 2 years ago but thankfully I was able to get a 30% discount code so that softened the blow. Then when I go to check out I see the fuckers are now charging FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS for a delivery fee! 2 years ago it was $2.50 and I was pissed at that. If it went to the drivers I wouldn't have a problem with it but it's just fucking theft. It costs them NOTHING to deliver the food to me. Their poor drivers have to use their own cars and rely on tips. So when you add a tip and tax and the bullshit $5 delivery fee, even with the 30% discount code it was $30 fucking dollars for what should be $10 worth of food.…

I haven't had Pizza Hut in years so I decided to treat myself tonight. The prices are at least 40% higher than they were 2 years ago but thankfully I was able to get a 30% discount code so that softened the blow. Then when I go to check out I see the fuckers are now charging FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS for a delivery fee! 2 years ago it was $2.50 and I was pissed at that. If it went to the drivers I wouldn't have a problem with it but it's just fucking theft. It costs them NOTHING to deliver the food to me. Their poor drivers have to use their own cars and rely on tips. So when you add a tip and tax and the bullshit $5 delivery fee, even with the 30% discount code it was $30 fucking dollars for what should be $10 worth of food. Fuck them. I hope they go out of business, the greedy fuckers.

So how does this relate to antiwork? Simple. That $5 should go to the drivers but instead the greedy fucker is making $5 per order for doing NOTHING. I always thought that delivery fees were bullshit but now that it's five fucking dollars it's not a minor inconvenience anymore. Even if I only tipped $5, including tax that's $12 that doesn't go towards the price of food, which has also exploded. When you deprive the populace of even their most basic comforts, that's how you get a revolution on your hands. It can't come soon enough. I'm SO FUCKING DONE with this bullshit!

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