
The sheer amount of people that do not understand how bad it is for most Americans astounds me.

I'm always shocked when I talk to people online how much they don't understand the current state of the economy or the average working American family. I know this sound typical, but I feel like a majority of the time it is a boomer I'm talking to or someone with extreme levels of consciousness “pull yourself up by your bootstrap people”. What do you think is the cause of this isolationism and ignorance? Do you think it's just because people are so isolated from each other, and they don't get non-biased information that they constantly believe it's going okay because it's okay for them? The sheer amount of survivorship bias I see in these people blows my mind.

I'm always shocked when I talk to people online how much they don't understand the current state of the economy or the average working American family.

I know this sound typical, but I feel like a majority of the time it is a boomer I'm talking to or someone with extreme levels of consciousness “pull yourself up by your bootstrap people”.

What do you think is the cause of this isolationism and ignorance?

Do you think it's just because people are so isolated from each other, and they don't get non-biased information that they constantly believe it's going okay because it's okay for them?

The sheer amount of survivorship bias I see in these people blows my mind.

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