
I have been gone 3 months

I usually just lurk and comment on posts from time to time, but I feel like you all would appreciate this. I recently received this text from my boss at my last job. It was the worst place I have ever worked (I worked for Walmart for 8 years, so that’s saying something!), and I was already looking elsewhere only 6 or 7 months after getting the job there. The way we worked out my hours on my last timecard, I agreed to be available for questions and/or to help a bit if needed for a few hours. I did that, let my access expire, and moved on. My last day there was March 17. I received this text June 27. That ship sailed ages ago, never mind I have already long since purged the information they wanted my help training on. I left excellent SOPs, and showed them where…

I usually just lurk and comment on posts from time to time, but I feel like you all would appreciate this.

I recently received this text from my boss at my last job. It was the worst place I have ever worked (I worked for Walmart for 8 years, so that’s saying something!), and I was already looking elsewhere only 6 or 7 months after getting the job there. The way we worked out my hours on my last timecard, I agreed to be available for questions and/or to help a bit if needed for a few hours. I did that, let my access expire, and moved on. My last day there was March 17. I received this text June 27. That ship sailed ages ago, never mind I have already long since purged the information they wanted my help training on. I left excellent SOPs, and showed them where they were before I left. They need to use them. Needless to say, I did not respond.

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