
Putting in my 2 weeks tomorrow

So I'm putting it in bcuz my mental health is suffering. Im pretty much thinking about getting in a car accident every day otw to work. I'm not sleeping, I've gained weight, anxiety attacks before work, it's a mess. It's not that the ppl are bad (kinda, I did catch them talking a lil shit) but they've been pretty nice overall. I just can't do tye job. I don't really want to put in my 2 weeks and have to go and deal with the awkwardness for that long. But I also don't want to just ghost them bcuz they were nice. But part of me really just wants to go in early tomorrow, grab all my stuff and email my boss that I'm not coming back.

So I'm putting it in bcuz my mental health is suffering. Im pretty much thinking about getting in a car accident every day otw to work. I'm not sleeping, I've gained weight, anxiety attacks before work, it's a mess.

It's not that the ppl are bad (kinda, I did catch them talking a lil shit) but they've been pretty nice overall. I just can't do tye job.

I don't really want to put in my 2 weeks and have to go and deal with the awkwardness for that long. But I also don't want to just ghost them bcuz they were nice. But part of me really just wants to go in early tomorrow, grab all my stuff and email my boss that I'm not coming back.

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