
What should I be answering as my “5 year plan”?

I work a high-stress corporate job in a role that wholly depends on your direct managers and supervisors for your quality of life. I've been with the company for almost 4 years. My first 2 years, my direct boss was literally Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada. Emotional abuse, passive aggression, threats, long hours. I gained weight, had panic attacks, cried at my desk, and my husband begged me to quit regardless of the salary. Over the last year I've changed to a phenomenal team, my direct boss is more of a friend than a supervisor, and I've learned a lot from his mentorship. My marks and reviews have been flawless, and although I don't plan to stay here forever, due to personal reasons (financial, caring for family, my husband's immigration process), this is a solid place to stay for the next year or so. My issue is that every…

I work a high-stress corporate job in a role that wholly depends on your direct managers and supervisors for your quality of life. I've been with the company for almost 4 years. My first 2 years, my direct boss was literally Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada. Emotional abuse, passive aggression, threats, long hours. I gained weight, had panic attacks, cried at my desk, and my husband begged me to quit regardless of the salary.

Over the last year I've changed to a phenomenal team, my direct boss is more of a friend than a supervisor, and I've learned a lot from his mentorship. My marks and reviews have been flawless, and although I don't plan to stay here forever, due to personal reasons (financial, caring for family, my husband's immigration process), this is a solid place to stay for the next year or so.

My issue is that every time reviews come up, they ask things like Where do you see yourself next year/in 5 years?” and “What are some specific goals you have for the rest of the year?” I'm in my forties. I've worked all sorts of jobs, have almost been homeless after the recession in 2008, and stability means more to me than upward mobility.

What non-answers can I give that don't sound sarcastic or unprofessional? I want to get paid on time and not be abused. THAT'S my work goal. I am content doing the complex job (one that can cause a lot of overtime and work on the weekends), that I'm already doing. Why is that not a sufficient answer?

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