
My job offers no benefits

The job I work at literally offers no benefits, I'm a full-time worker. I don't even get paid days off until I've worked there for a YEAR, and even after a year I'll get a whole 5 days off for the next year. Like is this a joke? How is this legal? I also only get 6 holidays, and only 3 of them are paid, imagine that. No health benefits of any kind either of course. I work $13/hour, which is above average where I live, as disgusting as that sounds. Pretty much all other coworkers that have been there less than a year make $9/hour or even $8/hour. The only reason I make as much as I do is cause I had leverage from I prior job I used to make $17/hour at before I was let go. I know my worth and $13/hour is less than that. My…

The job I work at literally offers no benefits, I'm a full-time worker. I don't even get paid days off until I've worked there for a YEAR, and even after a year I'll get a whole 5 days off for the next year. Like is this a joke? How is this legal? I also only get 6 holidays, and only 3 of them are paid, imagine that. No health benefits of any kind either of course.
I work $13/hour, which is above average where I live, as disgusting as that sounds. Pretty much all other coworkers that have been there less than a year make $9/hour or even $8/hour. The only reason I make as much as I do is cause I had leverage from I prior job I used to make $17/hour at before I was let go. I know my worth and $13/hour is less than that.
My urge to say “fuck it” and quit is at an all-time high. Micro-managers up my ass, no benefits, barely getting by with the pay I'm getting. I studied for graphic design and instead I'm in sign print production (my previous job was industrial printing)
I've been applying to jobs ever since I got this one, but nothing so far. I'm in a highly competitive job market with no prior work experience besides printing, so I'm not surprised.
Just mainly venting, I also just want to say, if anybody needs any form of graphic design done, message me, I'll even do some shit for free depending on the scale of what you'd want.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.

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