
Is it unethical to not give a 2 week notice to a large corporation?

Basically, I have an idea how it will go over when I give a 2 week notice (after talking to ex-coworkers who have since left). There’s no real advantage to giving notice. They’ll DUMP work on you and try to make you a dump a bunch of extra work on you while they can still milk you. And when you quit, notice or not, the bosses are still not gonna really like you so the bridge is automatically burned.. I will have all the individual references I need from the company (both current and ex workers) minus my bosses.. but as long as they can talk to several employees and verify I do still in fact work there, I don’t see any point. I’m in a big field in a large metro area so it’s not a big risk in my opinion. They recently laid off 200+ people the same…

Basically, I have an idea how it will go over when I give a 2 week notice (after talking to ex-coworkers who have since left). There’s no real advantage to giving notice. They’ll DUMP work on you and try to make you a dump a bunch of extra work on you while they can still milk you. And when you quit, notice or not, the bosses are still not gonna really like you so the bridge is automatically burned.. I will have all the individual references I need from the company (both current and ex workers) minus my bosses.. but as long as they can talk to several employees and verify I do still in fact work there, I don’t see any point. I’m in a big field in a large metro area so it’s not a big risk in my opinion. They recently laid off 200+ people the same day with zero advance warning for the entire plant so shouldn’t I play their game as well? Not to mention all the mental health risks (awkwardness, phone calls from bosses after sending the email).. I don’t want to negotiate or explain, I just want to leave.

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