
Took off few days; now I have 7-9 hour shifts 7 days in a row

I’m just ranting bc I’m having an anxiety attack or something rn because of this shit. I took a long weekend off of work (which is only part time), a total of 4 days. To visit family I haven’t been able to see for the whole 2-3 years I’ve worked at this place because it’s quite the drive. But I didn’t say what I was doing, or give a sob story about how estranged we have gotten and how I’ve never been to a wedding so I went, it shouldn’t be any of their business and they didn’t ask anyway. I also requested it a month in advance and obviously it was approved. Other ppl don’t ask much in advance ever and more then not they just don’t show without saying anything and they don’t get in trouble really. I knew before I left that I had to work the…

I’m just ranting bc I’m having an anxiety attack or something rn because of this shit. I took a long weekend off of work (which is only part time), a total of 4 days. To visit family I haven’t been able to see for the whole 2-3 years I’ve worked at this place because it’s quite the drive. But I didn’t say what I was doing, or give a sob story about how estranged we have gotten and how I’ve never been to a wedding so I went, it shouldn’t be any of their business and they didn’t ask anyway. I also requested it a month in advance and obviously it was approved. Other ppl don’t ask much in advance ever and more then not they just don’t show without saying anything and they don’t get in trouble really.

I knew before I left that I had to work the next morning the night after I came back. They put out schedules randomly during the week a week before and do them through Fri-Thurs. But they also change things last minute and screw around so I check regularly. So I double checked tonight when I finally got home. Correct, I do work this morning. And it is a job that is busier on the weekends and when new things come out, etc, etc so that’s when they need people. Whatever. Fine. It’s also a job where u wear multiple hats but I mean basically it’s all mostly costumer service. So of course it’s pretty shitty, min wage, disgusting, under staffed, poor management. Classic “oh but we give you pizza once in a while” type. I’m fucking tired of it for sure but I have to keep a job until I get hired for another. Family rules 🙂

Honestly, they’ve done this to me before. 7 days in a row, full time even though I’m not. But that was expected due to the season and I had more energy…and they “paid” the last time cause it gave me covid when it was still required to be quarantined. So they had to manage without me for 2 weeks. Then later I also pissed them off when I said I needed just two days off every week (not even busy days) so I could go to some COLLEGE. They had to hire and “fire” TWENTY people to finally get just ONE person to replace me for just those days. The amount of low key passive aggressiveness and smugness about it was pathetic. After I finished my classes I went BACK to being completely open availability bc for the season they got themselves over 40 employees (which is double the amount of max they’ve ever had since opening business) so I thought they wouldn’t need me as much. They STILL are overstaffed(?) but noooo. They just have that many so they can say they do. In reality, it’s always the same 15 people who actually regularly get paid- who actually get scheduled. They’re the type to force people home then as well if we’re not busy enough to make so much more money then a few hourly wages.

hehdjsjsjdh I could go on about other crap. Anyway. My current schedule. Is complete bullshit. It’s positions all by my fucking self. The customers are %80 Karen’s and I don’t want to deal with them. I really needed the lil break bc last time one of them made me ugly cry in my car when I usually don’t care after they get out of my face. And the MOST I’ve ever worked all these years here is 8 hours. Usually it’s 7 hour shifts for me because after 7hr 30m they legally have to give a break.(this is the only time anyone EVER gets one) Now it’s suddenly 9 hours 5 days in a row(the other two are 7) Never have they EVER opened this early before. “It’s just another hour or two” I have to be there at 8:30 in the morning. I only get the break if there’s a lull of customers. I have sleepy bitch disease nd am drowsy from meds and the morning is the absolute worst time for me. I worry I won’t even be able to function properly and I’m also stuck with horrible cramps the rest of the week bc yay being a woman. What’s the point of even having me then if I’m I’m gonna be bitchy and too sleepy to count properly?!?

“Quit.” Like I said: I’m fucking tired of it for sure but I have to keep a job until I get hired for another. Family rules 🙂 “Fake sick or something” they want a note and then I’ll also have to lie to my parents. “Get fired on purpose.” I’m terrified of confrontation if the people pleasing and social anxiety wasn’t already obvious. “Tell them to fix it or else ____” HR is a joke. Idk if any threats would even phase my manager, he’d just gaslight me or something. “Suck it up.” Ye, I most likely will hombre, can I not just rant like everyone else for once? Work ethic society sucks! I’m a follower of this sub for a reason !

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