
How do I go about this?

So something hasn't sat right with me for a while now. My job is frankly fine, I hate it like anyone else but the subway connected to the same building as my job is suspect as hell. Every single employee there that works the night shift is still there when I come in for graveyards at midnight. Without fail, and I've been told their regular scheduled leaving time is 10:00 PM. I have 0 issue with them finishing work or picking up the slack or even being around, my issue is that through the few times I've asked about the pay there (my job doesn't pay much better) I've been told they clock themselves out at 10:00PM and continue to pick up the “slack” for the extra two hours because evidently hours need to be cut and they get yelled at for being clocked in until midnight. Okay…. but here's…

So something hasn't sat right with me for a while now. My job is frankly fine, I hate it like anyone else but the subway connected to the same building as my job is suspect as hell.

Every single employee there that works the night shift is still there when I come in for graveyards at midnight. Without fail, and I've been told their regular scheduled leaving time is 10:00 PM.

I have 0 issue with them finishing work or picking up the slack or even being around, my issue is that through the few times I've asked about the pay there (my job doesn't pay much better) I've been told they clock themselves out at 10:00PM and continue to pick up the “slack” for the extra two hours because evidently hours need to be cut and they get yelled at for being clocked in until midnight.

Okay…. but here's the thing they get reprimanded and written up if they don't clean the store and help customers until 9:50 exactly, and few have either been fired or left because of the stress due to this.

Now, tell me please if I'm wrong, but isn't this illegal? Don't they need to be getting paid for the work they put in? I wouldn't stand for this kind of bullying behavior and I feel pretty enraged watching some cool people get screwed over like this on the sidelines.

I've never really felt compelled to report anything like this so who would I talk to?

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