
I (25F) make over $2/hr less than a male coworker with no experience.

The title explains it. I was talking to my coworkers yesterday about our compensation. I am convinced that I am making the least out of everyone in the office. I understand that pay differences can he attributed to time with the company, prior experience, education, etc. However my male counterpart who has been here for 9 months (I’m coming up on 2 years) makes $2.20 more than I do an hour. This is his first job, and I’ve worked since I was 16 years old. When I was hired I had about 2 years of “relevant” experience, but considering customer service is part of my duties I could argue I have closer to 7 years. (I’m sure this could go without saying but I’ll add it anyway: we do the same work. Same title, same responsibilities.) For the past year I have been working extra hours every week because I…

The title explains it. I was talking to my coworkers yesterday about our compensation. I am convinced that I am making the least out of everyone in the office.

I understand that pay differences can he attributed to time with the company, prior experience, education, etc.

However my male counterpart who has been here for 9 months (I’m coming up on 2 years) makes $2.20 more than I do an hour. This is his first job, and I’ve worked since I was 16 years old. When I was hired I had about 2 years of “relevant” experience, but considering customer service is part of my duties I could argue I have closer to 7 years. (I’m sure this could go without saying but I’ll add it anyway: we do the same work. Same title, same responsibilities.)

For the past year I have been working extra hours every week because I need the extra funds to help pay my bills. That extra $2.20/hr is ALL I needed to prevent overworking and burning out. Obviously I’m very upset.

How do I bring this up to my superiors without being “antagonistic?” Is it worth it to ask for retroactive pay to account for the difference in wages for the past 9 months?

I’m a neurodivergent woman, if it helps. I’m having a hard time coming up with statements that are assertive without the possibility of being perceived as hostile. Since I’m in a fire at will state, I’d like to avoid putting myself in any danger of being let go.

Any help is appreciated. Anecdotes, tips, etc.

TL;DR: How do I ask to be paid fairly without “biting the hand that feeds me,” so to speak?

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