
Serious question: How do we expect workers to unite when so many people are unable to have basic considerations in the workplace like flushing a toilet, not blasting offensive music in the breakroom, not being a snitch, not being racist, etc?

Here are some things I have experienced at work: being ignored or getting dirty looks from people, being iced out and not given basic information, being referred to as “the help” as the only minority in the situation, entering a bathroom and seeing blood and poop everywhere and lots of people just not flushing after taking a ginormous poop (do you want the rest of us to have to see this???), other people being snitches for minor things like a casual comment about something, other people being racist, someone “jokingly” calling security on me and having me followed around, coworkers that are just all around jerks. If I can't trust that my coworkers aren't racist or trying to snitch on me or set me up, then how can we unite to talk about wages?

Here are some things I have experienced at work: being ignored or getting dirty looks from people, being iced out and not given basic information, being referred to as “the help” as the only minority in the situation, entering a bathroom and seeing blood and poop everywhere and lots of people just not flushing after taking a ginormous poop (do you want the rest of us to have to see this???), other people being snitches for minor things like a casual comment about something, other people being racist, someone “jokingly” calling security on me and having me followed around, coworkers that are just all around jerks.

If I can't trust that my coworkers aren't racist or trying to snitch on me or set me up, then how can we unite to talk about wages?

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