
Is there a career or life to be made from a job in manufacturing?

I’m (26M) interested if anyone has any commentary on this at all. I work in the airline industry and what’s interesting is the basic ramp agent 20-30 years ago used to be a job that could be made into a decent career. Yeah the starting pay wasn’t the greatest but against cost of living, give it 5-10 years, you were making enough to definitely turn it into a career. Nowadays, my consideration of the job I do is a “job to pay bills until I get a real job” and the only “real” job I’d consider in the industry is a managerial position. So specifically for those my age or younger, or even those switching into manufacturing, do you view it as a place where you can grow it into a career. What’re the worst parts about it and what would need to change for you to consider it a…

I’m (26M) interested if anyone has any commentary on this at all. I work in the airline industry and what’s interesting is the basic ramp agent 20-30 years ago used to be a job that could be made into a decent career. Yeah the starting pay wasn’t the greatest but against cost of living, give it 5-10 years, you were making enough to definitely turn it into a career. Nowadays, my consideration of the job I do is a “job to pay bills until I get a real job” and the only “real” job I’d consider in the industry is a managerial position. So specifically for those my age or younger, or even those switching into manufacturing, do you view it as a place where you can grow it into a career. What’re the worst parts about it and what would need to change for you to consider it a “real” job? Asking to see if there is any overlap

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