
Boss didn’t recognize my two weeks notice after resigning due to unsafe working conditions – filed OSHA complaint

I am a teacher but during my summer I decided to pick up some extra income at a summer camp – they loved my experience so they brought me on as a manager. Great! But no. They were horribly unorganized, did not onboard, and essentially threw me into the mix. I was able to return to the surface after drowning for a bit on my own and did my job extremely well – I was told by everyone they were so happy to finally have someone competent in the role (red flag for sure). I was working long days/nights because the demand was so intense. They lied on my offer letter – I was supposed to be working 25 hours a week but I ended up working double because the demand was so intense. Lots more red flags starting to pop up left and right…so I pretty much resided to…

I am a teacher but during my summer I decided to pick up some extra income at a summer camp – they loved my experience so they brought me on as a manager. Great! But no. They were horribly unorganized, did not onboard, and essentially threw me into the mix. I was able to return to the surface after drowning for a bit on my own and did my job extremely well – I was told by everyone they were so happy to finally have someone competent in the role (red flag for sure). I was working long days/nights because the demand was so intense. They lied on my offer letter – I was supposed to be working 25 hours a week but I ended up working double because the demand was so intense. Lots more red flags starting to pop up left and right…so I pretty much resided to working the summer (they wanted me to stay on year-round part-time) and leaving without incident.

Cut to the cumulating event – I had to teach an event because we didn't have any extra instructors. I get there….site director has NO IDEA who I am. These are cooking camps – so I need access to a sink, etc. It's blazing hot outside and I'm waiting outside for 45 minutes until they figure out what to do with me. I called my manager – they told me to make it work. This is after the people at this site were rude and condescending to me. So they finally put me in an art room – TO COOK FOOD – that did not have any air with 20 kids. The heat index was in the mid-90s. No access to potable water. Long story short. I develop severe heat exhaustion due to this -I was pretty close to heat stroke. I told my boss I wasn't feeling well and she told me to call her when I got home and get cooled off. I call her and she BERATES ME for having a 'poor attitude' with her clients. doesn't care I am physically ill. She tells me I need to essentially 'suck it up' and make it work because clients do this all the time. WTF? So you knowingly send me into a shitshow?

Anyway, I told her I didn't think this was a good fit anymore. She told me she loved my WORK ETHIC and she wants me to stay, but maybe in a different role. I said I would think about it. I got off the phone and emailed HR with my resignation, giving them 2 weeks.

I receive a voice memo from the owner in response (they only like to do these or call, sometimes text – another red flag) that I ignored. No response via email after 24 hours. We all work remotely FYI. So I finally texted HR and told them I expected a response so I can know how to wrap up my responsibilities.

The response – they termed me today. So I went online and immediately filed a complaint with OSHA. I don't know if anything will come of this but toxic bosses need to be put in their place IMO.

Can I file unemployment for these two weeks even though I resigned?

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