Just want to vent for a minute about the guy I work for as a contractor through a marketing agency. I run the email campaigns for the company, and he's not the CEO but he is the guy I report to and work with. He keeps adding me to projects that are slightly out of scope for what I do (facebook advertising, Amazon channels, paid media in general.) I'm happy to partner with those channels and come at his marketing with a holistic approach, but he wants a lot of projects done and he refuses to act as a project manager. We'll have a couple of these integrated campaigns going but when I ask him basic management questions he always deflects and says I should ask so and so, who doesn't know either because there's no clear direction! I confronted him about this leadership style and how I thought his projects would go off much better with a leader (I have a projects management background so of course I think this.) And he dogged responsibility by saying “That's not how it works around here, we all work together as a team to get things done.” But who is directing the team?? Who is checking in, who is keeping everything coordinated? It bugs me to no end. If I actually worked there and was being paid a salary I'd gladly step up to manage these projects but as a contractor it's really not worth the pay to go out of my way. He either doesn't understand why we need a project manager when 3+ channels are working together (fb, Amazon, email, social media, etc.) Or he can't be bothered to step up and do his job.