
New job keeps requesting more personal info. What’s the deal?!

So I recently got a new job and the manager (not even HR) has kept asking me for my info. As soon as I give my ID that's not good enough so asks for more pictures of said ID (apparently not visible enough even tho it definitely is). HR was apparently too lazy to print out my documents so he requests I print them out and meet him at a gas station to deliver it to him?! That's a flat no on my end. He wants vaccine proof for covid even tho no mandates anymore..I send mt baecode..well thats not good enough either they need pictures of the card from every angle. No info that is usual during the hiring process like SIN # or even bank info are being asked! No company documents to sign and fill oit like wtf. This is a $20/hr job by the way. Nothing…

So I recently got a new job and the manager (not even HR) has kept asking me for my info. As soon as I give my ID that's not good enough so asks for more pictures of said ID (apparently not visible enough even tho it definitely is). HR was apparently too lazy to print out my documents so he requests I print them out and meet him at a gas station to deliver it to him?! That's a flat no on my end. He wants vaccine proof for covid even tho no mandates anymore..I send mt baecode..well thats not good enough either they need pictures of the card from every angle.

No info that is usual during the hiring process like SIN # or even bank info are being asked! No company documents to sign and fill oit like wtf. This is a $20/hr job by the way. Nothing special. No CIA privileges

Like what gives with jobs these days??

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