
Call to action.

Obviously Reddit doesn't give a shit about it's users. ​ Guess what? We gave you this power. We can take it away. ​ What were to happen if, say, everyone were to stop using Reddit completely for a week, hrm? ​ Actually, that seems like a pretty good idea. Spread this message. Post it everywhere. August 1-7. We leave. ​ You hit us back? ​ ***We can hit back harder.***

Obviously Reddit doesn't give a shit about it's users.

Guess what? We gave you this power. We can take it away.

What were to happen if, say, everyone were to stop using Reddit completely for a week, hrm?

Actually, that seems like a pretty good idea. Spread this message. Post it everywhere. August 1-7. We leave.

You hit us back?

***We can hit back harder.***

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