
Caught a Business misclassifying people as 1099 to avoid paying them Minimum wage

A Buddy of mine started working for a website as a moderator. He was telling me how the pay was crap and he wasn't making minimum wage, but he didn't think he could do anything because he's an “Independent Contractors/1099”. He then told me that they give him set hours to work. Additionally, the amount of work given to him could not be completed within his scheduled hours. I let him know you can't be an independent contractor and be given a fixed schedule and they are definitely miscatagorizing his employment. He is too afraid to file a claim with the DA, however in Massachusetts, you can file a claim on behalf of someone anonymous, so once I got the information verified by another employee, I filed a claim. (Did not include any of my buddy's information) Don't know if it will go anywhere but I'm so sick of companies…

A Buddy of mine started working for a website as a moderator. He was telling me how the pay was crap and he wasn't making minimum wage, but he didn't think he could do anything because he's an “Independent Contractors/1099”. He then told me that they give him set hours to work. Additionally, the amount of work given to him could not be completed within his scheduled hours. I let him know you can't be an independent contractor and be given a fixed schedule and they are definitely miscatagorizing his employment. He is too afraid to file a claim with the DA, however in Massachusetts, you can file a claim on behalf of someone anonymous, so once I got the information verified by another employee, I filed a claim. (Did not include any of my buddy's information) Don't know if it will go anywhere but I'm so sick of companies doing shady shit.

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