
Forced to work Saturday for $0.00

Is this even legal? I was told that I can find another job if I don't like it. I get $0 for any work I do on Saturday, which is apparently now mandatory. It involves cleaning and managing a 9-storey high rise condo. My weekend is now one day long and it makes me want to die. I was told that I can take time off through-out the week to make up for Saturday, which is a pipedream. There's no fucking way I can take 4-8 hours off through a normal work week without falling behind despite working Saturday. I have cleaners come in to help me for 3-4 hours per week which frankly is not enough. It's a huge building with extremely picky and demanding residents. Management refused to pay for extra cleaners so it's coming out of my pocket (which also feels illegal; its subtracted from my total…

Is this even legal? I was told that I can find another job if I don't like it. I get $0 for any work I do on Saturday, which is apparently now mandatory. It involves cleaning and managing a 9-storey high rise condo. My weekend is now one day long and it makes me want to die. I was told that I can take time off through-out the week to make up for Saturday, which is a pipedream. There's no fucking way I can take 4-8 hours off through a normal work week without falling behind despite working Saturday.

I have cleaners come in to help me for 3-4 hours per week which frankly is not enough. It's a huge building with extremely picky and demanding residents. Management refused to pay for extra cleaners so it's coming out of my pocket (which also feels illegal; its subtracted from my total pay at no cost to residents). They used to work Saturday, but they've been rescheduled by management to work through the week along side me instead. This means I have to cover the Saturday shift, which they will not pay me for.

For context I'm a superintendent. My contract says I work Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm (emergency on-call 24/7). I live at the building I work in, so if I get fired, I'll become homeless. My boss has mentioned this multiple times (that I'll have to go live in my mom's basement).

My boss constantly tells me I'm not very good at my job and that they could fire me at any time, and that it would be very easy to replace me. Im constantly belittled by management despite everyone who actually lives here thinks im doing a great job and im constantly getting compliments from residents.

I've had MULTIPLE written warnings about my “poor work”. Despite the building being virtually spotless, the moment a resident notices something they will report it directly to management. Each time is an official warning. They're quick to punish me for an almost-full garbage can yet will ignore a collapsing ceiling and broken CO warning system that has been reported for 3+ years. I've had windows cleaners scheduled since the 26th of last month and have had no communication from management regarding this; they still haven't showed up. The condensing units for the AC system were installed inside the building (they're supposed to be installed outside) and we get constant complaints about the excessive heat; nothing has ever been done for 4+ years. I'm constantly making bullshit excuses to cover for management's lack of… management. We have constant break-ins from the homeless population in our area (3 times a week on average), despite me BEGGING for tighter security. Nothing has been done. I'm constantly having to deal with this bullshit which takes up a ton of my time, and management has the nerve to flip their shit over a fucking garbage can being full every 6 months. Sorry I missed that, I'm DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB! I feel like a full-time security guard because I have to constantly chase homeless people out of the building.

It appears like they will yell at me for the smallest things as a way to distract from the actual issues with the building. Property Manager looks like he's doing his job by constantly punishing me for insignificant issues while the building falls apart around me. It's easy to ignore real problems when you can point at me and say “look! Look! He's slacking off!” When in reality management does next to nothing in terms of actual upkeep of the building.

If anything is slightly out of order (someone spilled liquid in the staircase, toilet paper needs to be refilled, etc) I'm accused of slacking off and essentially doing nothing and taking advantage of the company. In reality I feel like the company is wringing me for everything I'm worth. I work like fucking crazy every day and I'm completely drained. It's incredibly demoralizing when I'm being micro-managed at every step while management seemingly does absolutely nothing.

I'm basically being threatened with termination if I don't do whatever the fuck they say. Feels highly illegal and like I'm being taken advantage of. This is my first superintendent position and ill be blacklisted forever if i dont somehow leave this job amicably, which feels impossible now.

Obviously I agreed to their insane demands because… well, I need to live somewhere. Because I've agreed to it, does this mean that I'm fucked? What the fuck do I do? I DO NOT want to work for free and it makes me miserable as fuck.

I've mentioned to my boss that I'm depressed, and his response was basically “don't even think about using mental health as an excuse”. He would have no problem throwing me under the bus to make himself look good.

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