
Boss doesn’t like me taking vacation

Rant: I’m taking two weeks in August to go to Europe. It was planned and informed (multiple times) since January. I work for a large European Corp and August is usually pretty dead anyway so it normally should not be a problem. I would be taking these two weeks no matter where in the world because it also aligns with my husbands calendar and the school closure calendar, no summer camps in my area the last two weeks of August. New boss since January is a very driven slave driver with no children or work life balance, suddenly says „next year we need to plan our vacations better, just because Europe shuts down doesn’t mean that we do. We still have a business to run“. Stunned I just sat there not saying anything. I left back to my desk without saying anything. What I really want to say is: When…

Rant: I’m taking two weeks in August to go to Europe. It was planned and informed (multiple times) since January. I work for a large European Corp and August is usually pretty dead anyway so it normally should not be a problem. I would be taking these two weeks no matter where in the world because it also aligns with my husbands calendar and the school closure calendar, no summer camps in my area the last two weeks of August. New boss since January is a very driven slave driver with no children or work life balance, suddenly says „next year we need to plan our vacations better, just because Europe shuts down doesn’t mean that we do. We still have a business to run“. Stunned I just sat there not saying anything. I left back to my desk without saying anything. What I really want to say is:
When do YOU want me me to take vacation then because the implication is never. I already work like crazy for you, l’m available for remote work during my vacation, I have organized backup coverage. I’m a dedicated employee and now you want me to revolve my family calendar around your schedule?! Fuck you! I’m growing very tired of this person. I’m a long time lurker and I even feel guilty posting.

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