
How do you stop caring so much.

I started working a new job end of may. My boss said she “has high expectations” because of my good CV and degree. Saying things like “You wont let the team down won't you? Can I trust you?” “I want you in a manager position because you seem to be the most competent worker here. So it will be intense. Be prepared.”… I was a bit taken back by this but I also need the money and my co-workers are great. The thing is: We are understaffed. Logistics and Sales manager cancelled his holiday, tells me that everything will go down if he wont stay. He got threatened to be kicked out 2 times because his wife was sick and he had to stay with her for a week. In the second week a co worker of mine got sick. Got called while I was still sleeping on my day…

I started working a new job end of may. My boss said she “has high expectations” because of my good CV and degree. Saying things like “You wont let the team down won't you? Can I trust you?” “I want you in a manager position because you seem to be the most competent worker here. So it will be intense. Be prepared.”… I was a bit taken back by this but I also need the money and my co-workers are great. The thing is: We are understaffed. Logistics and Sales manager cancelled his holiday, tells me that everything will go down if he wont stay. He got threatened to be kicked out 2 times because his wife was sick and he had to stay with her for a week. In the second week a co worker of mine got sick. Got called while I was still sleeping on my day off. “Will you come in today? We are short on staff. We need you.” Only 1 day got paid the rest didnt. She gave me a couple days off instead of actual payment but I will probably have to work regardless… I have a part-time contract but now its basically a full time office job.

It seems like all this weight is on my shoulders. I constantly have to take one for the team. You are competent? Well you will get shit on because you should have known better, even if somebody else fucked up… Its a stupid “bro-culture” in my company but VERY tense. You do a mistake? You are reminded that “they have other options”. You cant learn all in 4 weeks? You better hurry tf up!
My boss calls me at 9pm even though I leave work at 5:30 because she really needs to talk about something…

I plan to go visit family out of country and I havent seen them in a long time. Vacation got approved but I am worried she might cancel it because “we need more people”. She obv. wont hire more people because of $$$.

How can value myself more in a work setting and set boundaries?
I got a text that there will be a load of work friday and its my day off today. I dont want to be reminded that its chaotic and stressful when I am at home. It sucks. I do like working in accounting but this environment really strains my nerves.


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