
Potential grounds for labor trafficking case

I have been working in a company for several years. Was hired by a family member. Didn’t really know anything about my job. I was always shouted at by the boss for standing around, and I really didn’t know better at the time. I was shouted at again for using my phone but I only did that because I saw everyone else was. They didn’t get yelled at. Then I got yelled at again for talking to a co worker when my boss walked in. Straight up said to me: “you piss me off.” Everyone else talks to each other and never got yelled at. While these things are happening my relative who hired me on was telling me how hard work will make me successful and respected. Told me overtime is good. Every time I thought about leaving, this relative of mine told me I was betraying the company,…

I have been working in a company for several years. Was hired by a family member. Didn’t really know anything about my job. I was always shouted at by the boss for standing around, and I really didn’t know better at the time. I was shouted at again for using my phone but I only did that because I saw everyone else was. They didn’t get yelled at. Then I got yelled at again for talking to a co worker when my boss walked in. Straight up said to me: “you piss me off.” Everyone else talks to each other and never got yelled at.

While these things are happening my relative who hired me on was telling me how hard work will make me successful and respected. Told me overtime is good. Every time I thought about leaving, this relative of mine told me I was betraying the company, that other jobs wouldn’t give me full time, etc. they were basically telling me that this jobs is THE only job I’m going to have.

I was feel like I’m being forced to work harder and faster than everyone else. Anytime I go as slow as anyone else, only I am yelled at. I have worked so long and good attendance for so many years. I have gotten some raises and promotions, but the disrespect is almost the same. The people that used to be in my position do everything I would’ve gotten yelled at for, but none of them get yelled at. Now, in a higher position, I get yelled at if I stop working for half a minute. After years of hardly ever calling off, I have repeatedly discussed a vacation but the response is always “we can’t really do that because we need you here.” I went from hourly to salary but I think it’s for some shady reason now. I need to see a doctor and a dentist but they make me feel bad like I’m making the company lose money if I take a day off to take care of my health. I was even yelled at for having to leave to go to the bmv by a manager who leaves all the time for haircuts. It just feels like a toxic workplace targeting me the most if I’m not being trafficked for labor.

Edit: an interesting thing I forgot: I haven’t had a license or car for the first few years and got a ride from a co worker every day who was able to swoop me on the way. Any time that co worker couldn’t get me, they made sure someone else drove long and far just to pick me up even though I told them I’d rather just take those days off. My employer would insist that I can’t call off and had someone else drive 30-45 extra minutes to get me to work instead of me just taking that day off too

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