
Orienting and Getting Zero Training

I found a new job, and I’m about to lose it. I’ve been on the floor of a health care facility for three days. Each day, my orienter left me to sit at the front and play on their phone/gossip. If I ask questions, she literally gets nasty and has told me and several of my colleagues, “she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing. She can’t fucking handle it here.” Like, I’m supposed to get certified in phlebotomy. While I understand disclosing to patients that this is my first time and a learning experience, she has blatantly said degrading things like, “I can’t believe you’ve never stuck someone before/never drew blood—“ in front of my patients. She harps on it. Aloud. (This is a learning facility, I’m LEARNING.) I had a patient refuse me, which is okay. They’re in their right. My second patient was starting to get so…

I found a new job, and I’m about to lose it. I’ve been on the floor of a health care facility for three days. Each day, my orienter left me to sit at the front and play on their phone/gossip. If I ask questions, she literally gets nasty and has told me and several of my colleagues, “she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing. She can’t fucking handle it here.”

Like, I’m supposed to get certified in phlebotomy. While I understand disclosing to patients that this is my first time and a learning experience, she has blatantly said degrading things like, “I can’t believe you’ve never stuck someone before/never drew blood—“ in front of my patients. She harps on it. Aloud. (This is a learning facility, I’m LEARNING.) I had a patient refuse me, which is okay. They’re in their right. My second patient was starting to get so tense as she kept talking, when I went to make the draw, she flinched and they did too. So, I retracted the safety needle before ANYONE got stuck by accident because the last thing I want is to blow a vein or stick someone too deep/wrong and create a bad rapport. She immediately shoved me out of the way, telling me she’d just do it herself and has spent the rest of the shift telling everyone how awful I am.

To make it worse, I was grabbing vitals and charting positions/cares. I had to handle emergency calls on my own. She came around half an hour later, from sitting up front, and starting yelling at me about being slow/demanding I chart things later. ONCE AGAIN, told me I was a “fucking idiot”.

I’m just tired. I’m going to use the employee emotional room to scream or just sit in silence. I’m so over this poor mentality. (I’ve worked elsewhere formerly with different certifications in health care. I’m not an idiot.)

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