
Boss is a crazy hypocrite. Not sure what to do. Today was the last straw.

So my boss, who is a friend of a friend and got me my current job is an absolute NIGHTMARE to work for. Today she really pushed me over the edge by making a passive aggressive comment at me to humiliate me. It worked. My cheeks burned for at least an hour. Basically the issue is that it’s ok for her to be on her phone all day and do personal things during work time (which I can literally HEAR from my desk) but I’m not. She threw a bunch of busy work on my desk and then acted pretend surprised when I didn’t have it done because “I’m on my phone all the time”. Even tho I’m not. I was going to send her a text basically calling her out and getting it in writing so that I can cover my ass later. But I don’t trust her at…

So my boss, who is a friend of a friend and got me my current job is an absolute NIGHTMARE to work for. Today she really pushed me over the edge by making a passive aggressive comment at me to humiliate me. It worked. My cheeks burned for at least an hour. Basically the issue is that it’s ok for her to be on her phone all day and do personal things during work time (which I can literally HEAR from my desk) but I’m not. She threw a bunch of busy work on my desk and then acted pretend surprised when I didn’t have it done because “I’m on my phone all the time”. Even tho I’m not. I was going to send her a text basically calling her out and getting it in writing so that I can cover my ass later. But I don’t trust her at all. I don’t know what she will use against me and I need this job. I can’t leave until august when my year is up, but I don’t know what else to do.

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