
Dealing with a High school ringleader

I work for an organization and generally don’t mind the type of work I do. I have a hybrid work schedule that allows me to be home 3 times a week so I’m pretty free to do as I please at home. A coworker recently quit and so her work was split between myself and another coworker. Having taken over her work, I’ve now had to deal with a supervisor who acts like she is in high school and runs the show. She is in charge of a different department but was somehow tasked with helping my department even before my coworker quit. I’ve had several people tell me she’s a bi***, but I didn’t pay much attention because I avoided interacting with her to keep my peace. Now that I HAVE to work with her, I’ll send friendly emails asking for help and she responds with snarky emails rather…

I work for an organization and generally don’t mind the type of work I do. I have a hybrid work schedule that allows me to be home 3 times a week so I’m pretty free to do as I please at home. A coworker recently quit and so her work was split between myself and another coworker. Having taken over her work, I’ve now had to deal with a supervisor who acts like she is in high school and runs the show. She is in charge of a different department but was somehow tasked with helping my department even before my coworker quit. I’ve had several people tell me she’s a bi***, but I didn’t pay much attention because I avoided interacting with her to keep my peace. Now that I HAVE to work with her, I’ll send friendly emails asking for help and she responds with snarky emails rather than just saying yes or no. She treats her department like a high school clique, constantly toots her own horn (fine be proud of what you do), but the worst of it is that she acts like they’re SO busy but half the time they’re in the office, they’re just talking to one another and the other half of the time, she’s out shopping for the “company.” She’s been a part of the organization for like 15 years so this woman is pretty set in her ways but when is she going to realize she is NOT professional whatsoever? How do I handle these snarky emails and her making everyone else feel excluded. Management is so blind to this and I don’t really want to bring it up because we are such a small group and have no HR department. Chances are she’d know it was me and go and tell her “team” aka your typical high school mean girls.

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