
What’s the most illigal way you were fired?

A few years ago I had gotten laid off from a job. Was havind difficulty finding another. Finally got a warehouse position through a temp agency. Had over 10 years of experience working in a factory/warehouse. At this company you have to interview with 2 people just to start. If they like you, at some indeterminite time you get an interview with the vice president of the company for a permanent position. If that interview goes well you have another interview with the president and finally get hired directly. Found out after I started working there that they end up getting rid of about 95% of the temps, then bring in another batch to avoid paying higher wages and providing health care, etc. The vast majority of people never even got the 2 subsequent interviews. After working there for about a month I got called in to interview with the…

A few years ago I had gotten laid off from a job. Was havind difficulty finding another. Finally got a warehouse position through a temp agency. Had over 10 years of experience working in a factory/warehouse. At this company you have to interview with 2 people just to start. If they like you, at some indeterminite time you get an interview with the vice president of the company for a permanent position. If that interview goes well you have another interview with the president and finally get hired directly. Found out after I started working there that they end up getting rid of about 95% of the temps, then bring in another batch to avoid paying higher wages and providing health care, etc. The vast majority of people never even got the 2 subsequent interviews.

After working there for about a month I got called in to interview with the vice president for a permanent position. This was on a Friday. The interview went really well. The following Friday, about 30 minutes into my shift, I started experiencing a kidney stone. I had had one about 10 years previously, plus my ex had had several within a 3 month period a couple of years earlier, so I recognized the symptoms right away. My supervisor took me to the ER. I was discharged a couple of hours later. The stone was brought about by work conditions. I was constantly busy, in extreme heat. And while I had a water bottle at my feet, I rarely had even a few seconds to spare to drink any.

On Monday I went in for my shift and the supervisor was surprised to see me. I was told my assignment had been terminated due to my “work performance.” This job was through a temp agency, and the company lied about the reason for letting me go, so there wasn't really anything I could do…

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