
why not tax incentivize Pay increases?

I'm not an economist in any sense of the word so this might actually be a dumb fucking idea but why not give businesses an incentive to pay their employees more, to a degree. Obviously not to an absurd amount but say you give your an employees a 2.5% pay increase and in return be granted a 5% tax credit. Netting the business 2.5% in return? I don't know maybe this is a terrible idea but just a shower thought.

I'm not an economist in any sense of the word so this might actually be a dumb fucking idea but why not give businesses an incentive to pay their employees more, to a degree. Obviously not to an absurd amount but say you give your an employees a 2.5% pay increase and in return be granted a 5% tax credit. Netting the business 2.5% in return? I don't know maybe this is a terrible idea but just a shower thought.

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