
April Fools Real/Fake 2 weeks notice

I hear about all the drama at my spouse’s work every day. Latest juicy tidbit one coworker is fed up with it all and got an acceptance letter for a new job two days ago. He mentioned to my spouse this morning they’re going to text their manager (the direct cause of all the issues) that they’re putting in their two weeks. Then wait a little bit, and text them “April Fools!” then send in their real two weeks notice on Monday. Love this.

I hear about all the drama at my spouse’s work every day. Latest juicy tidbit one coworker is fed up with it all and got an acceptance letter for a new job two days ago. He mentioned to my spouse this morning they’re going to text their manager (the direct cause of all the issues) that they’re putting in their two weeks. Then wait a little bit, and text them “April Fools!” then send in their real two weeks notice on Monday. Love this.

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